Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Financial Analysis Project Starbucks - 2056 Words

David Pulido Mr. Norcio Financial Management 22 April 2015 Financial Analysis Project Starbucks is a privileged company connected to millions of customers every day with great products in the market and more than 20,000 retail stores in 65 countries. Starbucks day to day mission is to serve the best coffee, which is why they have all their coffee grown under the best standards of quality. Starbuck’s coffee employees or the people in charge to get the coffee, travel to coffee farms in different parts of the world to select the beans with the best quality possible. Starbucks have a total of stores of 20,519 in 65 countries; their stores are really good for studying, having meetings and many different things, which is why people look†¦show more content†¦Competitors as said before can be Dunkin’ Brands Group, Inc., McDonald’s Corp. For Suppliers, there are Farmers Support Centers in Costa Rica, Dairy Products from Suppliers in the U.S., Canada and the U.K., Specialty Suppliers including Nicaragua which is a major e xporter of coffee. The company will embrace diversity as an essential component in a way to respect everyone’s business and apply the best standards of excellence to the purchasing and fresh delivery of the coffee; Starbucks is concentrated in giving the customers the best coffee, which also includes the service because service is what attracts people in all type of markets. Starbuck’s usual customers are college students, people with jobs, or just a person who wants to have a coffee in store. SWOT Analysis Strengths: Good brand, big market share, global attend and comfortable for customer. Weaknesses: Many products, not cheap and relationships with suppliers. Opportunities: Good quality products, market shares, and many others. Threats: weather, coffee prices, transportation. Starbucks offers a variety of products with great quality, that customers enjoy in stores, homes, and on the go. This

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