Monday, January 27, 2020

Best Practice in Staff Training Processes

Best Practice in Staff Training Processes 1. INTRODUCTION People performance is a critical enabling factor that influences the potential of an organisation to achieve its objectives. Successful organisations ensure that they maintain an environment which enables the full potential of their people to be realised. They also ensure that they align their staff management objectives with the organisations objectives. Training is an important activity undertaken to ensure employees at all levels have the necessary skills to carry out their roles effectively and to ensure the achievement of the organisations objectives. Of fundamental importance is the identification of the value that training adds to the performance of the organisation. Specifically this relates to how the organisation decides what training is needed by its staff, how the training is carried out, how the organisation evaluates the effectiveness of its education and training activities and what processes are put in place to improve the delivery and effectiveness of education and training programs. The management of the organisation want to know: what training is required how training should be delivered. how the training improves the performance of the organisation Staff expect: targeted and job related training (for now and the future) to equip them to meet the expectations of the organisation defined outcomes as a result of training quality assurance of training materials and delivery techniques value for time spent in training At the time of the writing of this paper, few organisations in the parks industry: had a quantifiable means of measuring organisational performance outcomes had measured the current competence of employees had agreed arrangements in place to meet all their staff training needs. had a formal strategy for addressing staff training so that maximum cost benefits are attained from training had a quantifiable means of assessing the on-ground outcomes of staff training are innovative with regard to methods of making training delivery more efficient use training systems and expertise available in the wider training industry had accurate costings relating to training (salary, training delivery etc) Over the past 5 years there have been dramatic changes in the training arena. Many companies who once conducted their own training now recognise that training is not their core business and utilize the services of the fast developing training industry. This move is in keeping with the Federal Government Training Reform Agenda, aimed at increasing the competitiveness of Australian industry on the international market. The main outcomes from this agenda have been the development of National competency standards and associated training curriculum for a number of industry groups. Best practice in training staff for park management is required because both Federal and State Governments now require park management agencies to: focus on their core business identify key performance indicators and associated priority outcomes be accountable for the delivery of priority outcomes and direct expenditure accordingly apply sound business planning principles to program planning and budgeting evaluate alternative means of service delivery (such as outsourcing) enhance the sustainable management of the natural and cultural resources of parks provide a high standard of customer service and facilities continually improve performance (both financial performance and service delivery) have competent and effective staff. Park customers require parks agencies to: manage the natural and cultural resources of the park using the best possible techniques provide excellent customer service provide a range of recreational opportunities manage financial resources effectively and efficiently have competent and efficient staff This paper will discuss and explore: Best practice in staff training processes for park agencies The use of benchmarking as a tool in establishing best practice. Relevant terms are defined as: Staff training: the process of developing the skills of employees Competence:the ability to deliver a service to a prescribed minimum standard 2. DETERMINING BEST PRACTICE IN STAFF TRAINING PROCESSES 2.1 Methodology In 1995, ANZECC commenced the National Benchmarking and Best Practice Programs aimed at five key areas. The (then) Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Victoria took the lead responsibility for determining the best practice framework for staff training. The objective of the project was to determine current best practice in training processes to assist agenices to develop training programs to meet their needs. The project scope covered: an examination of guidelines and procedures to guide workplace performance an examination of standards of performance (competency standards) training and development programs strategic framework for program development industrial context (relationship of training to pay/promotion etc) identification of learning outcomes, assessment criteria and delivery standards delivery arrangements (in-house or external) assessment practices relationship to formal training structures (State or National) monitoring of training outcomes (improved performance, cost-benefit analysis etc. The project was to result in a report which could be used by member agencies of ANZECC to introduce best practice training processes and to facilitate the development of quality standards (and common competencies) for training of staff involved in the management of National Parks and Protected areas. The report was also to contribute to the development of national training standards through NCRMIRG. The methodology used was to: Conduct initial research into training processes to produce an appropriate survey instrument. Communicate with, visit with or arrange joint meetings with member agencies of ANZECC to: apply the survey observe training initiatives and process Communicate with or visit external organisations with a record of innovation in delivering training programs Prepare a best practice report in consultation with participating agencies There were several project limitations. The project brief did not include a comparison of the content of training programs(as this has already been done by the Natural and Cultural Resources Management Industry Reference Group in its Curriculum Review) but rather required the examination of staff training processes from a strategic viewpoint. The project leaders time was limited to approximately one week and the report was limited to key points. Figure 1 Location of interviews Location Organisation Adelaide South Australian Department of Environment and Natural Resources Sydney New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service Melbourne Tasmanian Department of Environment and Land Management, Victorian Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (name at the time of interview), Australian Fire Authorities Council Phone survey Queensland Department of Environment and Heritage, ACT Department of Urban Services Parks and Conservation. 2.2 Best Practice in Staff Training Processes Initial research was conducted into findings of previous benchmarking projects on staff training and into current concepts of best practice in staff training. It revealed that most organisations measure and assess training inputs rather than training outputs (or how the training was conducted rather than the benefit gained through training). No park agencies and very few other organisations maintain thorough accounting records of staff training and are able to conduct a comprehensive cost benefit analysis of training effectiveness (although some agencies have conducted a cost-benefit analysis of individual courses. Cost benefit analysis is undertaken in the tertiary education sector but the process used is not valid for measuring staff training in organisations for whom training is not core business. 3.1.1 Organisations vision, mission and key performance indicators. The organisations vision, mission and key performance indicators are determined and programs to meet these objectives are planned. The period over which these apply varies with individual organisations. A common factor is that they are reviewed annually as a part of the business/budget planning process. As the performance of staff is a major influence on organisational performance, it is important that the training process is closely linked with the business planning process. 3.1.2 Identification of required competencies for program delivery The organisations key performance indicators (or critical success factors) set a standard against which the performance of the organisation is measured. Programs to meet these standards are developed. The organisation must have access to specific competencies to effectively deliver the required programs and these are determined. Routine competencies required by individual staff are included. Looking ahead to the long term achievement of the organisations vision and mission, competencies required to deliver anticipated work programs in the future are also identified 3.1.3 Identification of current competence of workforce Having determined the competencies required to meet its objectives, the organisation then determines the competencies that exist within its workforce. These are obtained through two means through an analysis of the current performance of staff (annual performance review) and through the identification of the current skill levels staff. Current performance of staff Most organisations now have a performance review process through which the current performance of staff is assessed. Individual staff and workgroups are now required to deliver defined outcomes. Achievement of satisfactory outcomes usually (but not always) indicates a satisfactory level of competence in the task. The non-achievement of outcomes may be attributed to a number of factors. Lack of competence is one factor (amongst others) which may have caused poor performance. A usual part of the performance review process is the identification (by the staff member or their supervisor) of competencies yet to be attained and a plan for their attainment. Assessment of current competence. For the organisation to effectively manage the deployment of their human resources, it is necessary to assess the current competencies held by staff. Stored on a data base, this information is then readily available for use when assigning tasks. The best means of maintaining this data base is to utilize the type of system recommended through the National Training Reform Agenda, where competencies are defined, staff assessed against these and the information is recorded on a data base Assessment of current competence is only effective if the defined competencies have a standard of performance against which the capabilities of the staff can be assessed. This type of assessment is criterion based where the subjectivity of the assessment process is reduced. The process must be well managed and the data base kept current. The maintenance and use of such a data base has two purposes. If the current competence of staff is ascertained prior to delivery of programs, the likelihood of poor performance in program delivery, as a result of lack of competence, is reduced. In addition, the assigning of staff to tasks for which they are not competent may have legal ramifications (for example, Occupational Health and Safety breaches) at a later stage. 3.1.4 Identification of competency gap. Once the competencies held by the workforce are determined, they are measured against those required by the organisation. A gap is identified between the required competencies of the organisation and the existing competencies of its workforce. Traditionally this was considered to be the organisations training needs. Nowadays a wider range of options for closing this gap are considered. 3.1.5 Plan for bridging competency gap The organisation identifies the means by which it intends to obtain the competencies identified by the gap between the required organisational competencies and those held in the existing workforce. This is usually called a workforce management plan. Options for obtaining the required competencies include outsourcing, job redesign or redistribution, recruitment or the training and development of existing staff. Factors influencing the selection of the appropriate option are the cost-benefit analysis, current management constraints and the current Government direction with regard to workforce management. The organisation also needs to look beyond the current budget/business planning cycle to the long term achievement of its vision and mission. It needs to plan to have the necessary competencies (either within or outside the current workforce) for the delivery of future programs (succession planning). This information is invaluable to staff when making personal development/career choices 3.1.6 Organisations training needs The organisations training needs are derived from the above process. They are the required competencies of the organisation, not held by the current staff, for which the training of current staff has been determined as the best means of obtaining them. Training needs are identified and priorities determined as a part of the organisations normal business planning process and as such are reviewed annually. 3.2 STRATEGY FOR RESOURCING THE TRAINING For the organisations training needs to be met efficiently and effectively, there needs to be a clear strategy which addresses the allocation of resources to provide the training. This strategy indicates the level of commitment of the organisation to meet its training needs. Without this statement and a commitment from senior management, the issue of resourcing often arises to become the major impediment to the organisation satisfactorily meeting its training needs. Training resources can be categorised into financial resources, physical resources and human resources. 3.2.1 Financing the training Determining who pays for the training development and delivery is important and clarification of this issue up-front will reduce the incidence of later issues arising. When preparing business plans/budgets, the responsibility for the delivery of the organisations programs is allocated to a particular part of the organisation. This part of the organisation should also ensure that the required training for the delivery of the organisations program is determined and funding for training allocated appropriately. The continuing debate within a number of the ANZECC agencies relating to corporate versus technical training can be resolved by the application of this model. Where the training need is one identified by an individual or their supervisor, and it relates to a routine part of the persons job, then the funding for training should be built into the budget for that job. Where the training need is identified by management and is one which is aimed to impart a change across the organisation, such as the need to train people following the introduction of new technology or a cultural change, then the funding for training should be built into the budget for introducing the change. Budget issues can arise when corporate change training programs are imposed without making the appropriate funding arrangements. 3.2.2 Physical resources Physical resources required for training include the training materials (curriculum, lesson plans, videos, self paced packages etc) and the physical environment for the delivery of formal training. It must be recognised that training is not the core business of most organisations and substantial investment in the development of training materials and training facilities is not considered a wise investment. Fortunately, in recent years, training has become an established growth industry of its own. In most situations it is now not necessary for the organisation to invest in the development of training material or training facilities as there is a wide range of resources available through organisations for whom training IS core business. These include other like organisations, TAFE colleges, universities, local schools, local community training organisations and the increasing number of registered and non-registered private training providers and consultants. The best way of obtaining the necessary physical resources (materials, facilities etc) for training is to obtain them on a needs basis. By integrating the organisations training requirements with those of the wider training community, training becomes more efficient and duplication of effort is reduced. 3.2.3 Human resources Best practice organisations have a culture of continuous learning and are clear about the level of staff involvement expected in the training process. Rather than being the responsibility of a designated training department, training is everybodys responsibility. A primary motivator for individuals to accept this responsibility is need. Through the competency assessment, the individual has identified a need for training in the routine aspects of their work and is more likely to accept the responsibility for organising or participating in training to meet that need. For corporate change training, the individuals need has not been identified and it should be remembered that that person is therefore less likely to be motivated to organise or participate in the required training. In this case it is unrealistic to expect staff to drive their own involvement. Best practice organisations establish a culture where the individual is responsible to a large extent for identifying their own training needs and organising/enrolling in the appropriate training. Such a culture requires the support of a relevant system. The embodiment of learning organisation culture does not negate the need for training roles and responsibilities to be clearly defined. For the organisations training needs to be accurately identified and the training resources available in the wider training industry to be effectively integrated, an appropriate training specialist or specialist team is required to manage training. The training specialist/team will be able to provide staff with adequate systems and information for them to be able to: integrate training with the organisations business planning/budget development process identify their own training needs and those of their staff access a range of relevant training options develop individual training plans based on identified training needs and career aspirations. 3.3 DEVELOPMENT AND DELIVERY OF THE TRAINING Best practice for the development and delivery of training has been well documented. The model below has widespread use throughout the training industry and is used by the National Training Reform Agenda. 3.3.1 Training needs The identification of training needs was identified in Section 3.1. Training needs are identified in terms that are behavioural (measurable or quantifiable). Cultural change objectives are also quantified so that their achievement can be measured. 3.3.2 Modular training framework For each identified competency there is a training module which will train staff in the necessary skills and knowledge to be able to meet the standard prescribed for that competency. A module specification (the written specification of training outcomes, assessment methods and delivery modes) exists for each module to ensure that it is delivered to a prescribed minimum standard. Module specifications are regularly reviewed to ensure that they match the training requirements of the relevant competency standard. The training is accredited, where possible, by a State or National training authority. Accreditation provides quality assurance for content, delivery and assessment. The employee gains formal recognition and other benefits for the training completed. Training delivery is through appropriate providers. If the training delivery is to be contracted out then the training specification is included as a contract specification. Providers are regularly evaluated for effectiveness and cost efficiency of delivery. 3.3.3 Flexible delivery arrangements The training is located as close to the workplace in order to reduce the amount of time spent in travel and off the job. It is delivered in conditions as close as possible to the normal work situation to ensure relevance of the training to the job. The more flexible modes of delivery, such as distance learning packages (self paced), open learning schemes and computer based training packages are used. The different learning styles and speeds of individuals are catered for. The relevance of the content and delivery standards are monitored against the module specification. Delivery is by instructors who are trained as trainers and are also experienced in the subject matter. 3.3.4 Assessment of learning outcomes Assessment of the individuals achievement of the learning outcomes (as prescribed in the specification) is conducted during and following the learning process. Assessment is criterion based and is applied only by those who are competent in its use and who are authorised by the organisation to conduct assessments. 3.4 APPLICATION AND EVALUATION OF TRAINING The trainee is given the opportunity to practice using the new skills on the job under supervision by the supervisor or an appropriate mentor. The complexity of the work situation where the new skills are to be applied is managed so that the application progresses from the simple to the complex. Problems in the application of the new competencies are addressed at an early stage. A final assessment of the application of the new competencies occurs during the performance review phase of program delivery where the delivery of the required job outcomes, to the required standard, is assessed. Where work does not meet the agreed standards, the reason for this shortfall is sought. If lack of competence is the reason, the extent of training required to become competent is determined and the person either referred to further practice under the guidance of a supervisor or mentor or the workforce management planning process revisited. 5. CHARACTERISTICS OF ORGANISATIONS WHO PRACTICE BEST PRACTICE IN TRAINING PROCESSES Organisations who are leaders in training have the following characteristics: Senior management understanding of and support for the role training plays in the overall business context. A vision, mission and key performance indicators. A formal link between training and the business planning process (priorities, funding and responsibility). A training specialist employed to integrate organisational training requirements with the services provided by the external training industry. Defined competency standards and assessment system. A workforce management strategy which addresses how to bridge the competency gap. Use a modular approach to meet specific training needs (eg National Training Framework). Use flexible delivery methods and measure learning outcomes at the end of the training. Appraise application of competencies on-the-job (performance appraisal system). Evaluate the benefit training provides to both the individual and to the organisation. CASE STUDIES The following are case studies of the application of best practice in training processes and have been selected from a range of suitable case studies. CASE STUDY 1 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES, SOUTH AUSTRALIA PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM The Department of Environment and Natural Resources, South Australia has introduced a Performance Management Program for all Departmental employees as a part of its overall framework for organisational change. The Performance Management Program aims for continuous corporate performance improvement through the following process: The individuals Performance Management Program is directly linked to the Departments broad strategic goals, the Groups (Division) objectives and the District/Branchs action plans. Performance is assessed at each level on delivery of outcomes. Within the Performance Management Plans, responsibility for delivery of outcomes and for determining and acquiring work skills is clearly defined and documented Line managers are required to: help staff to identify the skill and knowledge required to do their job effectively support staff to establish and meet their individual/team development plan Individuals are responsible for: identifying the skills, knowledge and support they need to do their job effectively work out an individual/team development plan that is linked to performance review the plan regularly. Assessment of training outcomes is based on delivery of required job outcomes. Funding for training is program based. CASE STUDY 2 NATIONAL PARKS SERVICE (DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT), VICTORIA COMPETENCY SURVEY AND DETERMINATION OF TRAINING PRIORITIES FOR ROUTINE TRAINING The National Parks Service (Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Victoria) has developed a framework to deal with the routine training of all staff. In the absence of a set of relevant National competency standards, a comprehensive set of in-house competency standards have been developed covering all aspects of work within the Service. The standards were developed from existing Departmental procedural documents which prescribed the standard of most work within the service. They also related to existing relevant National competency standards such as those from the Tourism and Hospitality industry, the Public Administration sector and the Fire industry. The competency standards were aligned with the Departments Performance and Remuneration Management (PaRM) system and with the Australian Standards Framework. Where possible, the standard referred to an existing NPS or NR+E procedure or guideline. All staff were surveyed against the standards selecting those that applied to their job and career aspirations and then, in conjunction with colleagues and supervisor, compared their current performance with that required by the standards. The end result of the process was an individual training plan listing a range of developmental activities the person was required to take responsibility for plus a list of training needs requiring external facilitation (ie courses). The results of the survey were entered on a spreadsheet and, in consultation with management, priorities for training determined for each park, local areas and the State. CASE STUDY 3 AUSTRALIAN FIRE AUTHORITIES COUNCIL NATIONAL FIREFIGHTING COMPETENCY STANDARDS AND TRAINING COURSES The developments of the Australian Fire Authorities Council (AFAC) have, since 1992, been at the forefront of training developments resulting from the National Training Reform Agenda. AFAC has developed a comprehensive set of generic competency standards which apply to all work conducted within the fire agencies of Australia, including metropolitan, rural volunteer and land management agencies such as the member agencies of ANZECC. The competency standards are arranged in six levels ranging from recruit level to executive level and align with levels 2 to 7 of the Australian Standards Framework. Individual agencies determine the selection of competency standards which apply to their personnel, recognising that the needs of individuals within each organisation vary according to their geographic location and job requirements. Aligned with five levels of the competency standards are five Nationally accredited courses ranging from Certificate II to Advanced Diploma levels. The courses can be delivered in their entirety or by individual modules, of which there are over 200. Training can only be delivered by registered providers and each fire agency either gained registration, formed a partnership with a TAFE college or arranged to contract in an appropriate provider. Instructors must have completed an instructor module or equivalent and have met the requirements of the relevant module. Recognising that the outcomes of training, rather than the input, are most important, a comprehensive National assessor program was established to ensure that assessment practices both within and across agencies were comparable. The assessment process includes Recognition of Prior Learning or RPL where a person who can demonstrate current expertise in the content of a module may be granted credit for that module. One of the most significant parts of the program is the development of distance learning packages for a range of modules. These packages mean that the training can be delivered in the workplace without added costs for travel, accommodation and time lost from work. The courses were developed with a substantial consultation process and are regularly reviewed for relevance. The development of the competency standards, accredited courses and the distance packages bring significant benefits to the fire industry. Firefighters from a range of agencies are now closer to using similar language and techniques and their qualifications are portable across agencies. The material is flexible in design and is intended to be used on a needs basis by individual fire agencies. CASE STUDY 4 DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, WILDLIFE AND HERITAGE, TASMANIA PARK RANGER CBT PILOT PROJECT The Department of Parks, Wildlife and Heritage in Tasmania has been involved in the development of a competency-based course of training for park rangers. The project was conducted by the Department of Industrial Relations and Train Best Practice in Staff Training Processes Best Practice in Staff Training Processes 1. INTRODUCTION People performance is a critical enabling factor that influences the potential of an organisation to achieve its objectives. Successful organisations ensure that they maintain an environment which enables the full potential of their people to be realised. They also ensure that they align their staff management objectives with the organisations objectives. Training is an important activity undertaken to ensure employees at all levels have the necessary skills to carry out their roles effectively and to ensure the achievement of the organisations objectives. Of fundamental importance is the identification of the value that training adds to the performance of the organisation. Specifically this relates to how the organisation decides what training is needed by its staff, how the training is carried out, how the organisation evaluates the effectiveness of its education and training activities and what processes are put in place to improve the delivery and effectiveness of education and training programs. The management of the organisation want to know: what training is required how training should be delivered. how the training improves the performance of the organisation Staff expect: targeted and job related training (for now and the future) to equip them to meet the expectations of the organisation defined outcomes as a result of training quality assurance of training materials and delivery techniques value for time spent in training At the time of the writing of this paper, few organisations in the parks industry: had a quantifiable means of measuring organisational performance outcomes had measured the current competence of employees had agreed arrangements in place to meet all their staff training needs. had a formal strategy for addressing staff training so that maximum cost benefits are attained from training had a quantifiable means of assessing the on-ground outcomes of staff training are innovative with regard to methods of making training delivery more efficient use training systems and expertise available in the wider training industry had accurate costings relating to training (salary, training delivery etc) Over the past 5 years there have been dramatic changes in the training arena. Many companies who once conducted their own training now recognise that training is not their core business and utilize the services of the fast developing training industry. This move is in keeping with the Federal Government Training Reform Agenda, aimed at increasing the competitiveness of Australian industry on the international market. The main outcomes from this agenda have been the development of National competency standards and associated training curriculum for a number of industry groups. Best practice in training staff for park management is required because both Federal and State Governments now require park management agencies to: focus on their core business identify key performance indicators and associated priority outcomes be accountable for the delivery of priority outcomes and direct expenditure accordingly apply sound business planning principles to program planning and budgeting evaluate alternative means of service delivery (such as outsourcing) enhance the sustainable management of the natural and cultural resources of parks provide a high standard of customer service and facilities continually improve performance (both financial performance and service delivery) have competent and effective staff. Park customers require parks agencies to: manage the natural and cultural resources of the park using the best possible techniques provide excellent customer service provide a range of recreational opportunities manage financial resources effectively and efficiently have competent and efficient staff This paper will discuss and explore: Best practice in staff training processes for park agencies The use of benchmarking as a tool in establishing best practice. Relevant terms are defined as: Staff training: the process of developing the skills of employees Competence:the ability to deliver a service to a prescribed minimum standard 2. DETERMINING BEST PRACTICE IN STAFF TRAINING PROCESSES 2.1 Methodology In 1995, ANZECC commenced the National Benchmarking and Best Practice Programs aimed at five key areas. The (then) Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Victoria took the lead responsibility for determining the best practice framework for staff training. The objective of the project was to determine current best practice in training processes to assist agenices to develop training programs to meet their needs. The project scope covered: an examination of guidelines and procedures to guide workplace performance an examination of standards of performance (competency standards) training and development programs strategic framework for program development industrial context (relationship of training to pay/promotion etc) identification of learning outcomes, assessment criteria and delivery standards delivery arrangements (in-house or external) assessment practices relationship to formal training structures (State or National) monitoring of training outcomes (improved performance, cost-benefit analysis etc. The project was to result in a report which could be used by member agencies of ANZECC to introduce best practice training processes and to facilitate the development of quality standards (and common competencies) for training of staff involved in the management of National Parks and Protected areas. The report was also to contribute to the development of national training standards through NCRMIRG. The methodology used was to: Conduct initial research into training processes to produce an appropriate survey instrument. Communicate with, visit with or arrange joint meetings with member agencies of ANZECC to: apply the survey observe training initiatives and process Communicate with or visit external organisations with a record of innovation in delivering training programs Prepare a best practice report in consultation with participating agencies There were several project limitations. The project brief did not include a comparison of the content of training programs(as this has already been done by the Natural and Cultural Resources Management Industry Reference Group in its Curriculum Review) but rather required the examination of staff training processes from a strategic viewpoint. The project leaders time was limited to approximately one week and the report was limited to key points. Figure 1 Location of interviews Location Organisation Adelaide South Australian Department of Environment and Natural Resources Sydney New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service Melbourne Tasmanian Department of Environment and Land Management, Victorian Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (name at the time of interview), Australian Fire Authorities Council Phone survey Queensland Department of Environment and Heritage, ACT Department of Urban Services Parks and Conservation. 2.2 Best Practice in Staff Training Processes Initial research was conducted into findings of previous benchmarking projects on staff training and into current concepts of best practice in staff training. It revealed that most organisations measure and assess training inputs rather than training outputs (or how the training was conducted rather than the benefit gained through training). No park agencies and very few other organisations maintain thorough accounting records of staff training and are able to conduct a comprehensive cost benefit analysis of training effectiveness (although some agencies have conducted a cost-benefit analysis of individual courses. Cost benefit analysis is undertaken in the tertiary education sector but the process used is not valid for measuring staff training in organisations for whom training is not core business. 3.1.1 Organisations vision, mission and key performance indicators. The organisations vision, mission and key performance indicators are determined and programs to meet these objectives are planned. The period over which these apply varies with individual organisations. A common factor is that they are reviewed annually as a part of the business/budget planning process. As the performance of staff is a major influence on organisational performance, it is important that the training process is closely linked with the business planning process. 3.1.2 Identification of required competencies for program delivery The organisations key performance indicators (or critical success factors) set a standard against which the performance of the organisation is measured. Programs to meet these standards are developed. The organisation must have access to specific competencies to effectively deliver the required programs and these are determined. Routine competencies required by individual staff are included. Looking ahead to the long term achievement of the organisations vision and mission, competencies required to deliver anticipated work programs in the future are also identified 3.1.3 Identification of current competence of workforce Having determined the competencies required to meet its objectives, the organisation then determines the competencies that exist within its workforce. These are obtained through two means through an analysis of the current performance of staff (annual performance review) and through the identification of the current skill levels staff. Current performance of staff Most organisations now have a performance review process through which the current performance of staff is assessed. Individual staff and workgroups are now required to deliver defined outcomes. Achievement of satisfactory outcomes usually (but not always) indicates a satisfactory level of competence in the task. The non-achievement of outcomes may be attributed to a number of factors. Lack of competence is one factor (amongst others) which may have caused poor performance. A usual part of the performance review process is the identification (by the staff member or their supervisor) of competencies yet to be attained and a plan for their attainment. Assessment of current competence. For the organisation to effectively manage the deployment of their human resources, it is necessary to assess the current competencies held by staff. Stored on a data base, this information is then readily available for use when assigning tasks. The best means of maintaining this data base is to utilize the type of system recommended through the National Training Reform Agenda, where competencies are defined, staff assessed against these and the information is recorded on a data base Assessment of current competence is only effective if the defined competencies have a standard of performance against which the capabilities of the staff can be assessed. This type of assessment is criterion based where the subjectivity of the assessment process is reduced. The process must be well managed and the data base kept current. The maintenance and use of such a data base has two purposes. If the current competence of staff is ascertained prior to delivery of programs, the likelihood of poor performance in program delivery, as a result of lack of competence, is reduced. In addition, the assigning of staff to tasks for which they are not competent may have legal ramifications (for example, Occupational Health and Safety breaches) at a later stage. 3.1.4 Identification of competency gap. Once the competencies held by the workforce are determined, they are measured against those required by the organisation. A gap is identified between the required competencies of the organisation and the existing competencies of its workforce. Traditionally this was considered to be the organisations training needs. Nowadays a wider range of options for closing this gap are considered. 3.1.5 Plan for bridging competency gap The organisation identifies the means by which it intends to obtain the competencies identified by the gap between the required organisational competencies and those held in the existing workforce. This is usually called a workforce management plan. Options for obtaining the required competencies include outsourcing, job redesign or redistribution, recruitment or the training and development of existing staff. Factors influencing the selection of the appropriate option are the cost-benefit analysis, current management constraints and the current Government direction with regard to workforce management. The organisation also needs to look beyond the current budget/business planning cycle to the long term achievement of its vision and mission. It needs to plan to have the necessary competencies (either within or outside the current workforce) for the delivery of future programs (succession planning). This information is invaluable to staff when making personal development/career choices 3.1.6 Organisations training needs The organisations training needs are derived from the above process. They are the required competencies of the organisation, not held by the current staff, for which the training of current staff has been determined as the best means of obtaining them. Training needs are identified and priorities determined as a part of the organisations normal business planning process and as such are reviewed annually. 3.2 STRATEGY FOR RESOURCING THE TRAINING For the organisations training needs to be met efficiently and effectively, there needs to be a clear strategy which addresses the allocation of resources to provide the training. This strategy indicates the level of commitment of the organisation to meet its training needs. Without this statement and a commitment from senior management, the issue of resourcing often arises to become the major impediment to the organisation satisfactorily meeting its training needs. Training resources can be categorised into financial resources, physical resources and human resources. 3.2.1 Financing the training Determining who pays for the training development and delivery is important and clarification of this issue up-front will reduce the incidence of later issues arising. When preparing business plans/budgets, the responsibility for the delivery of the organisations programs is allocated to a particular part of the organisation. This part of the organisation should also ensure that the required training for the delivery of the organisations program is determined and funding for training allocated appropriately. The continuing debate within a number of the ANZECC agencies relating to corporate versus technical training can be resolved by the application of this model. Where the training need is one identified by an individual or their supervisor, and it relates to a routine part of the persons job, then the funding for training should be built into the budget for that job. Where the training need is identified by management and is one which is aimed to impart a change across the organisation, such as the need to train people following the introduction of new technology or a cultural change, then the funding for training should be built into the budget for introducing the change. Budget issues can arise when corporate change training programs are imposed without making the appropriate funding arrangements. 3.2.2 Physical resources Physical resources required for training include the training materials (curriculum, lesson plans, videos, self paced packages etc) and the physical environment for the delivery of formal training. It must be recognised that training is not the core business of most organisations and substantial investment in the development of training materials and training facilities is not considered a wise investment. Fortunately, in recent years, training has become an established growth industry of its own. In most situations it is now not necessary for the organisation to invest in the development of training material or training facilities as there is a wide range of resources available through organisations for whom training IS core business. These include other like organisations, TAFE colleges, universities, local schools, local community training organisations and the increasing number of registered and non-registered private training providers and consultants. The best way of obtaining the necessary physical resources (materials, facilities etc) for training is to obtain them on a needs basis. By integrating the organisations training requirements with those of the wider training community, training becomes more efficient and duplication of effort is reduced. 3.2.3 Human resources Best practice organisations have a culture of continuous learning and are clear about the level of staff involvement expected in the training process. Rather than being the responsibility of a designated training department, training is everybodys responsibility. A primary motivator for individuals to accept this responsibility is need. Through the competency assessment, the individual has identified a need for training in the routine aspects of their work and is more likely to accept the responsibility for organising or participating in training to meet that need. For corporate change training, the individuals need has not been identified and it should be remembered that that person is therefore less likely to be motivated to organise or participate in the required training. In this case it is unrealistic to expect staff to drive their own involvement. Best practice organisations establish a culture where the individual is responsible to a large extent for identifying their own training needs and organising/enrolling in the appropriate training. Such a culture requires the support of a relevant system. The embodiment of learning organisation culture does not negate the need for training roles and responsibilities to be clearly defined. For the organisations training needs to be accurately identified and the training resources available in the wider training industry to be effectively integrated, an appropriate training specialist or specialist team is required to manage training. The training specialist/team will be able to provide staff with adequate systems and information for them to be able to: integrate training with the organisations business planning/budget development process identify their own training needs and those of their staff access a range of relevant training options develop individual training plans based on identified training needs and career aspirations. 3.3 DEVELOPMENT AND DELIVERY OF THE TRAINING Best practice for the development and delivery of training has been well documented. The model below has widespread use throughout the training industry and is used by the National Training Reform Agenda. 3.3.1 Training needs The identification of training needs was identified in Section 3.1. Training needs are identified in terms that are behavioural (measurable or quantifiable). Cultural change objectives are also quantified so that their achievement can be measured. 3.3.2 Modular training framework For each identified competency there is a training module which will train staff in the necessary skills and knowledge to be able to meet the standard prescribed for that competency. A module specification (the written specification of training outcomes, assessment methods and delivery modes) exists for each module to ensure that it is delivered to a prescribed minimum standard. Module specifications are regularly reviewed to ensure that they match the training requirements of the relevant competency standard. The training is accredited, where possible, by a State or National training authority. Accreditation provides quality assurance for content, delivery and assessment. The employee gains formal recognition and other benefits for the training completed. Training delivery is through appropriate providers. If the training delivery is to be contracted out then the training specification is included as a contract specification. Providers are regularly evaluated for effectiveness and cost efficiency of delivery. 3.3.3 Flexible delivery arrangements The training is located as close to the workplace in order to reduce the amount of time spent in travel and off the job. It is delivered in conditions as close as possible to the normal work situation to ensure relevance of the training to the job. The more flexible modes of delivery, such as distance learning packages (self paced), open learning schemes and computer based training packages are used. The different learning styles and speeds of individuals are catered for. The relevance of the content and delivery standards are monitored against the module specification. Delivery is by instructors who are trained as trainers and are also experienced in the subject matter. 3.3.4 Assessment of learning outcomes Assessment of the individuals achievement of the learning outcomes (as prescribed in the specification) is conducted during and following the learning process. Assessment is criterion based and is applied only by those who are competent in its use and who are authorised by the organisation to conduct assessments. 3.4 APPLICATION AND EVALUATION OF TRAINING The trainee is given the opportunity to practice using the new skills on the job under supervision by the supervisor or an appropriate mentor. The complexity of the work situation where the new skills are to be applied is managed so that the application progresses from the simple to the complex. Problems in the application of the new competencies are addressed at an early stage. A final assessment of the application of the new competencies occurs during the performance review phase of program delivery where the delivery of the required job outcomes, to the required standard, is assessed. Where work does not meet the agreed standards, the reason for this shortfall is sought. If lack of competence is the reason, the extent of training required to become competent is determined and the person either referred to further practice under the guidance of a supervisor or mentor or the workforce management planning process revisited. 5. CHARACTERISTICS OF ORGANISATIONS WHO PRACTICE BEST PRACTICE IN TRAINING PROCESSES Organisations who are leaders in training have the following characteristics: Senior management understanding of and support for the role training plays in the overall business context. A vision, mission and key performance indicators. A formal link between training and the business planning process (priorities, funding and responsibility). A training specialist employed to integrate organisational training requirements with the services provided by the external training industry. Defined competency standards and assessment system. A workforce management strategy which addresses how to bridge the competency gap. Use a modular approach to meet specific training needs (eg National Training Framework). Use flexible delivery methods and measure learning outcomes at the end of the training. Appraise application of competencies on-the-job (performance appraisal system). Evaluate the benefit training provides to both the individual and to the organisation. CASE STUDIES The following are case studies of the application of best practice in training processes and have been selected from a range of suitable case studies. CASE STUDY 1 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES, SOUTH AUSTRALIA PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM The Department of Environment and Natural Resources, South Australia has introduced a Performance Management Program for all Departmental employees as a part of its overall framework for organisational change. The Performance Management Program aims for continuous corporate performance improvement through the following process: The individuals Performance Management Program is directly linked to the Departments broad strategic goals, the Groups (Division) objectives and the District/Branchs action plans. Performance is assessed at each level on delivery of outcomes. Within the Performance Management Plans, responsibility for delivery of outcomes and for determining and acquiring work skills is clearly defined and documented Line managers are required to: help staff to identify the skill and knowledge required to do their job effectively support staff to establish and meet their individual/team development plan Individuals are responsible for: identifying the skills, knowledge and support they need to do their job effectively work out an individual/team development plan that is linked to performance review the plan regularly. Assessment of training outcomes is based on delivery of required job outcomes. Funding for training is program based. CASE STUDY 2 NATIONAL PARKS SERVICE (DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT), VICTORIA COMPETENCY SURVEY AND DETERMINATION OF TRAINING PRIORITIES FOR ROUTINE TRAINING The National Parks Service (Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Victoria) has developed a framework to deal with the routine training of all staff. In the absence of a set of relevant National competency standards, a comprehensive set of in-house competency standards have been developed covering all aspects of work within the Service. The standards were developed from existing Departmental procedural documents which prescribed the standard of most work within the service. They also related to existing relevant National competency standards such as those from the Tourism and Hospitality industry, the Public Administration sector and the Fire industry. The competency standards were aligned with the Departments Performance and Remuneration Management (PaRM) system and with the Australian Standards Framework. Where possible, the standard referred to an existing NPS or NR+E procedure or guideline. All staff were surveyed against the standards selecting those that applied to their job and career aspirations and then, in conjunction with colleagues and supervisor, compared their current performance with that required by the standards. The end result of the process was an individual training plan listing a range of developmental activities the person was required to take responsibility for plus a list of training needs requiring external facilitation (ie courses). The results of the survey were entered on a spreadsheet and, in consultation with management, priorities for training determined for each park, local areas and the State. CASE STUDY 3 AUSTRALIAN FIRE AUTHORITIES COUNCIL NATIONAL FIREFIGHTING COMPETENCY STANDARDS AND TRAINING COURSES The developments of the Australian Fire Authorities Council (AFAC) have, since 1992, been at the forefront of training developments resulting from the National Training Reform Agenda. AFAC has developed a comprehensive set of generic competency standards which apply to all work conducted within the fire agencies of Australia, including metropolitan, rural volunteer and land management agencies such as the member agencies of ANZECC. The competency standards are arranged in six levels ranging from recruit level to executive level and align with levels 2 to 7 of the Australian Standards Framework. Individual agencies determine the selection of competency standards which apply to their personnel, recognising that the needs of individuals within each organisation vary according to their geographic location and job requirements. Aligned with five levels of the competency standards are five Nationally accredited courses ranging from Certificate II to Advanced Diploma levels. The courses can be delivered in their entirety or by individual modules, of which there are over 200. Training can only be delivered by registered providers and each fire agency either gained registration, formed a partnership with a TAFE college or arranged to contract in an appropriate provider. Instructors must have completed an instructor module or equivalent and have met the requirements of the relevant module. Recognising that the outcomes of training, rather than the input, are most important, a comprehensive National assessor program was established to ensure that assessment practices both within and across agencies were comparable. The assessment process includes Recognition of Prior Learning or RPL where a person who can demonstrate current expertise in the content of a module may be granted credit for that module. One of the most significant parts of the program is the development of distance learning packages for a range of modules. These packages mean that the training can be delivered in the workplace without added costs for travel, accommodation and time lost from work. The courses were developed with a substantial consultation process and are regularly reviewed for relevance. The development of the competency standards, accredited courses and the distance packages bring significant benefits to the fire industry. Firefighters from a range of agencies are now closer to using similar language and techniques and their qualifications are portable across agencies. The material is flexible in design and is intended to be used on a needs basis by individual fire agencies. CASE STUDY 4 DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, WILDLIFE AND HERITAGE, TASMANIA PARK RANGER CBT PILOT PROJECT The Department of Parks, Wildlife and Heritage in Tasmania has been involved in the development of a competency-based course of training for park rangers. The project was conducted by the Department of Industrial Relations and Train

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Swot of Ibm 2009

IBM – SWOT Analysis Strengths Since IBM was founded in 1896, it has gone through a very long experience in the technological industry with a very strong brand name. The company has a wide range of products to appeal and attract different customer needs and to maintain its competitive position. IBM in 2009 was considered as one of the largest and most profitable computer services company in the world with a market capital of about $119 billion and 319,000 employees speeded in 150 countries around the world. The company in 2009 has made a good cut of the cost structure while at the same time the company was achieving a good increase in the revenues. The company invested in the IT by outsourcing it completely to India just to compete more effectively in the IT services and to rebuild its competitive advantage. The company was concentrating a lot in the high value added business. Weaknesses In 2009 IBM announced 5,000 job cuts in the United States which was accounted for around 4% of the workforce in United Sates . This move could probably hurt the company’s external image. Also could be one of the company’s weaknesses is that, the company was facing very high operating costs. The company also is not investing a lot in the low end products. Opportunities The company needs to maintain its position in the market and to attract more customers. Also IBM has the opportunity to lead the market in many segments by investing more in the R&D and to generate innovative ideas. Many customers perceive IBM as an old brand in which they have the opportunity to rebuild its brand image to appeal to the younger generation, could by investing in the electronic games or the mobile phones. The company has a good opportunity to start design green products strategy that protects the environment and cut good percentage of the costs. IBM can develop a customized hardware & software for the key customers. Threats Probably one of the main threats that IBM is facing today, is the growing competitors that make a real threat for the company and those competitors who are able to create cheaper products and make more a considerable profit. The technological products are changing quickly and make the life cycle of these products much shorter. Also the economical fluctuations impose a real threat on the company of losing profits.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Ethics Notes Chapters

Ethics, and Human Behavior Ethical issues exist in all areas of criminal Justice system (from passage of laws to punishment) Criminal Justice professionals have discretion Legislators: In making laws Police: In enforcing laws Attorneys and Judges: affecting Justice process Correctional Professionals: affecting offenders lives What do criminal Justice professionals have in common? Power to make decisions duty to enforce the law obligation to provide â€Å"due process† and â€Å"equal protection† for all commitment to â€Å"public service† Goals of the study of ethics -BrawledBecome aware of and open to ethical issues Begin developing critical thinking skills Become more personally responsible Understand coercive element of the Justice system Develop wholesales (the ability to explore with ones heart as well as ones mind) Defining Terms morals The judgment of behavior as right or wrong. Ethics The study and analysis tot what constitutes g * The two words are often used interchangeably. Or bad conduct. Meta-ethics Technical investigation of the meaning of ethical terms, as well as how ethical statements can be verified. Normative ethics Definition of right conduct and moral duties. Plied ethics Application of ethical principles to specific issues or fields. Professional ethics Examination of the behavior of certain professional groups. Duties Moral obligations that one must carry out to be considered ethical. Supererogatory An act that goes beyond duty and is not required to be considered DOD or moral. Imperfect duties General obligation with no specific acts. Honesty Health Family Financial success Beauty What else are values? Are some more important than others? To be Ouagadougou or immoral,behavior must involve: human acts of free will detecting others Inventory of Ethical IssuesIndividual or Other Employees backstabbing and lack of support gossip sexual or racial harassment lying to cover up blame taking credit for others' work Organizatio n and Employees sexual or racial harassment by supervisors discouraging honest criticism or feedback arbitrary or unfair decisions inadequate compensation inadequate training unrealistic or inappropriate demands putting employees in unnecessary danger By the Individual and Organization work ethic (days work for a days pay) petty theft of supplies or cash overtime abuse gifts and gratuities falsifying reports misuse of sick days arsenal use of supplies or equipment Morality and Behavior Even when people know what is right, sometimes they choose to do wrong?why? Criminology Psychology Other fields seek to answer this question Are people fundamentally good or fundamentally bad? Thinking Point Omar Thornton of Connecticut walked into his employer, Hartford Distributors, for a hearing concerning his possible termination. During the meeting, Thornton pulled out a pistol and shot ten of his coworkers, killing eight, before turning the gun on himself. What caused Thornton to carry oh t this minority act? Was he born intrinsically bad? Was he a good person that had a tragic turn of circumstances that forced him into a criminal act? Morality = Law ?Ethical Issues and Dilemmas Decentralization of soft drugs? Sex-offender registries? Death penalty? Mandatory DNA testing? Three-strikes legislation? Racial profiling? Steps for Clarifications Dilemmas Review all the facts. Identify relevant values of all parties. Identify all moral issues. Identify most immediate moral issue. Resolve the dilemma. CHAPTER 2: Determining Moral Behavior Ethical Systems Deontological Ethical Systems Teleological Ethical Systems Ethical Formalism According to German philosopher Emmanuel Kant: ill (motivation) is the only thing that is intrinsically good. Duty is required behavior. It is self-imposed and necessary to morality.The Categorical Imperative Ethical Formalism: Imperatives Categorical imperatives Are absolute. Are based on good will. Determine morality. You must not lie. Criticisms of Et hical Formalism Utilitarianism leered Beneath An action's morality depends on how much it contributes to the overall good of society. Humans are hedonistic. They seek to maximize pleasure and avoid pain. DOD for the greatest number On April 20th, 2010 a British Petroleum offshore rig exploded killing 11 employees ND causing one of the largest oil spills in modern history. Investigators soon located the faulty alarm systems. The alarms did not alert because they had been intentionally disconnected close to a year ago.BP had the alarms turned off in order to allow employees to sleep without being interrupted by false alarms thus creating a better functioning workforce. If the alarms were enabled, the rig would have automatically entered shut down mode, virtually eliminating the oil spill. Was Up's original â€Å"act† inherently good? Bad? Did they have a duty to act one way or the other? Criticisms of Utilitarianism Religion People hold different opinions about which religion i s the â€Å"true† religion. People within a religion often disagree on how to interpret its principles. Religious controversies are often difficult to resolve. Natural Law Criticisms of Natural Law How can we determine what is natural law versus man-made law? What are the â€Å"natural† laws of morality?The Ethics of Virtue Aristotle True virtue is the median between extremes of character: the golden mean. People develop moral virtues through practice, Just like any other strength. Daemonic: living the â€Å"good life† Six Pillars Josephs Institute) Trustworthiness : Honesty, sincerity, loyalty Respect : Golden Rule Responsibility : Being accountable Fairness : Equality, impartiality, and due process Caring : Altruism and benevolence Citizenship : Duties of citizenship Criticisms of Ethics of Virtue Basically assumes a good person will make a good decision. Little help for people facing dilemmas. The Ethics of Care Western ethical systems focus on issues like ri ghts, laws, and universalism.Ethics of care?nurture, meeting needs Criticisms of Ethics of Care Criticisms of Egoism Violates universalism. Logically inconsistent (for everyone to try and maximize self interest). Enlightened egoism is not too different from categorical imperative or golden rule. Other Methods epithetical Decision Making The imperative principle directs a decision maker to act according to a specific, unbending rule. The utilitarian principle determines the ethics of conduct by the DOD or bad consequences of the action. The generalization principle is based on this question: â€Å"What would happen if all similar persons acted this way under similar circumstances? General Principles federation Making Obtain all facts (including the effects of prospective decisions). Evaluate whether odd be comfortable with your decision appearing on the front page (in public view). Consider one's principles to be like a formula – applicable in all situations. Relativism Ethic al Relativism Moral systems are products of an individual or group. If people believe different things are good and bad, how can you define what is good? Situational Ethics: A compromise between relativism and absolutism There are basic principles of right and wrong. They can be applied to ethical dilemmas and moral issues. They may call for different results in different situations. 1.Treat each person with the utmost respect and care. . Do one's duty or duties in such a way that one does not violate the first principle. Summary of Ethical Systems Ethical formalism: What is good is that which conforms to the categorical imperative. Utilitarianism: What is good is that which results in the greatest utility for the greatest number. Religion: What is good is that which contorts to God's will. Natural law: What is good is that which is natural. Ethics of virtue: What is good is that which conforms to the Golden Mean. Ethics of care: What is good is that which meets the needs of those c oncerned. Egoism: What is good is that which benefits me.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Incarceration A Common Form Of Punishment - 868 Words

Incarceration is one of the harshest sanctions for commission of a crime available today. It has not always been a common form of punishment. Back in the ancient world in England, France and colonial America, corporal punishment, forced labor, and social banishment were far more common forms of punishment than incarceration (ADPSR 2015). This changed with the 18th Century enlightenment in France and England. This gave rise to new interpretations on liberty, human nature and time (ADPSR 2015). The first prisons in the independent US were established as â€Å"penitentiaries† to signify their prisoners as religious â€Å"penitents†, serving time for their immoralities (ADPSR 2015). These penitentiaries gained attention nationally and internationally for their goals to perfect society through imprisonment (ADPSR 2015). This became a problem because the prisons became overpopulated, dirty and dangerous. In the 19th century, outrage over living conditions in the prisons led to the reformatory movement. This was an attempt to redefine the role of prisons as reforming inmates in to model citizens (ADPSR 2015). Counseling, education, and work was provided during their incarceration. In the 1950’s, more new buildings, sociologists, and counselors were brought into the prisons to provide a more humane atmosphere for inmates. The term then changed to â€Å"Corrections†. In the spirit of the 1955 United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners, architects tried to make prisonShow MoreRelatedJuvenile Crime Has Become More Valuable Members Of Society?938 Words   |  4 Pageschildren as young as thirteen years old to trial, and even made them eligible for prison sentences. The general public has expressed a common desire to reduce the incidence of juvenile crime and find effective legislation to discipline these youths, but there are questions about these methods. What is more effective, incarceration or rehabilitation? Doe s criminal punishment intimidate more youths away from a life of crime, and would productive rehabilitation efforts influence these youths to becoming moreRead MoreCapital Punishment And The Death Penalty946 Words   |  4 Pages Capital punishment, or the death penalty, is a legal sentence for the convicted to be put to death for their criminal behavior. How the convicted criminal is executed varies from state to state. I do not believe that the death penalty is justifiable in almost any instance, if any. Throughout this class, I have read and experienced confusion on my opinion of whether capital punishment can be justifiable. 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This is obvious by the number of people currentlyRead MoreThe United States Incarceration System1710 Words   |  7 PagesThe United States incarceration system is a structural foundation of punishment in which is formed by robust authoritarian power. The United States criminal justice system is not an institution to be underestimated, as it represents the highest incarceration rate of all world nations at a staggering 700 inmates per 100 thousand citizens (Krisberg, 7). Based on the social and political structure of democracy in the United States, it is argued that incarceration systems should follow the same rootsRead MoreThe Failure Of The American Prison System1302 Words   |  6 Pagesineffective system by focusing on punishment over rehabilitation, leading to issues such as overcrowding, wasting taxpayers’ money and a high recidivism rate. As children, most people learn obedience through punishment. When we do something â€Å"wrong† one or several privileges are taken away by our parents. Depending on the severity of a mistake, such punishment may last for a very short time or in some cases it may even be permanent. Many parents inflict the common punishment of not allowing their childrenRead MoreThe Incarceration Of The Correctional System910 Words   |  4 Pagesentails the management, supervision, and rehabilitation of convicted offenders. These mandates are often carried out through incarceration, probation, or parole, while prisons are the most popular correctional agency in America. Prisons in America were among some of the first public buildings established in the New World. Early prisons were not considered â€Å"houses of punishment,† but were rather referred to as temporary holding cells. The history of U.S. prisons from the late 1700s to the late 1800sRead MorePunishment, Deterrence, And Reha bilitation Essay1140 Words   |  5 PagesIn the United States there are four main goals when it comes to punishment which are retribution, deterrence, incapacitation, and rehabilitation (DeJong, 2016, p. 288). The main goals for these punishments are to maintain order over society and to prevent recidivism (DeJong, 2016, p. 288). This ties into the Ecology perspective. By maintaining order over society and preventing recidivism, it ties into all of the issues regarding the Ecology perspective which requires for each issue to addressRead MoreThe Incarceration Of Rehabilitation Programs1319 Words   |  6 Pagesmeant to, in some way, correct criminal behavior. There are punishment types of rehabilitation as well correctional rehabilitation. Not all programs or practices of rehabilitation are effective. The sources are separated into three categories: Types of Rehabilitation, Punishment vs Rehabilitation, and Prison General. Types of Rehabilitation Miceli, Victoria. Analyzing the Effectiveness of Rehabilitation Programs. Digital Commons. University of Rhode Island, 2009. Web. 20 Mar. 2017. This